Sunday, August 23, 2009

Saving the World's Women

The NY Times Magazine today had a cover story, "Saving the World's Women: How changing the lives of
women and girls in the developing world can change everything" by Nicholas Kristoff and his wife, Sheryl WuDunn.  Research has shown that giving monetary aid to women rather than men results in improvement in children's health and education.  According to the studies, when men are given the money, the households' spending on prostitution, alcohol, sugar and candy rises. 

I was in Africa a year and a half ago.  My safari guide and interpreter took me to see the Hadzabe, an almost extinct tribe who live in the bush.  I hunted with them and then they sang and danced for and with me.  At the end of visiting with people, it is customary to give them a small amount of money (about $20 my safari guide told me).  He said, "We have to make sure we give it to the women."  When I asked why, he said, "If you give it to the men, they will spend it on mara-joo-wana.  If you give it to the women, they will spend it on food."  I asked my guide and my interpreter why the men wouldn't spend it on food when they knew people were hungry.  They laughed, uncomfortably and shrugged.

Very interesting:

There are some other articles as well, incuding the sad story of, "Truck-Stop Girls" about girls in Swazilland between 14 and 24 years old who have sex with truckers.  1 in 3 people are HIV positive in Swaziland:

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