Saturday, August 29, 2009

RIP Ted Kennedy

I've been glued to the TV for the past couple of days as folks say goodbye to Ted Kennedy. Who didn't tear up when Ted Kennedy, Jr. gave his very personal eulogy in the church or when the former staffers standing on the Capital steps sang, "God Bless America"? 

There was a time in my life about 10 years ago where my goal was to work for him (I'm from Massachusetts so he's been "my" senator my whole life). I'm sure my life would have been different had I done so - both good and bad, but I'd like to think, more "good", and more in line with my political values.  It has made me stop and think about the fact that we are only on this earth a short time and to stop putting off until tomorrow what we should be doing today (when I'm 77 as Kennedy was, will I look back and regret that I didn't do something? If so, I need to start doing it - whatever "it" is).

What are your thoughts about the events of the past couple of days?  What do you wish you had done in your life and can you still do it?

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